WordPress Gutenberg: React & Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

The new WordPress Gutenberg editor has been in release for over a year. Post content is composed of “blocks”. Everything is a block. From the humble paragraph to the more advanced gallery and video embed — all blocks.

There are two common methods to create Gutenberg blocks.

The first is to follow the offical handbook. Blocks and the Gutenberg editor itself are written in JavaScript/React at their core. While I consider myself proficient in this area it’s still hard work. The process requires Babel compilation. The documentation is lacking. A single — hard to debug — error can bring down the entire editor.

I’ve written a lot of Gutenberg React but my preferred method is…

Advanced Custom Fields

The ACF plugin is one of the few WordPress plugins that doesn’t make me cry. ACF allows me to register blocks with the usual ACF interface and a PHP template. All the Gutenberg stuff is handle for me.

This is very nice. If you don’t use ACF, you’re missing out.

But what if I wanted to combine a native Gutenberg block with an ACF block? Let’s say I want to make a “Feature Video” block. It includes an embedded video and some content to the side. Along with a few options to configure styles.

A single block that renders like this:

Preview for an example Gutenberg block with React and Advanced Custom Fields

Gutenberg provides an embed block with a single caption. These are extremely user-friendly. Users just paste a YouTube link — not even embed code — and WordPress does the rest. However it lacks the additional fields I require.

ACF does have an oEmbed field but it isn’t half as nice. For the sake of this demo I’ve deciding it’s not good enough (it is, I just wanted a simple example).

Neither method allows me to create the Feature Video block to my satisfaction.

What if I could combine both methods like this:

Editor UI for an example Gutenberg block with React and Advanced Custom Fields

In the screenshot above I have a single Gutenberg block that combines a native video embed with ACF fields that I can configured.

The best of both worlds.

How I created the Feature Video block

The trick to my Feature Video block is block templates — but I’ll get to that later.

First I created an ACF block to handle the custom fields.

    'name'     => 'feature-video-fields',
    'title'    => 'Feature Video Fields',
    'mode'     => 'edit',
    'category' => 'theme',
    'parent'   => array('feature-video'),
    'supports' => array(
      'align'    => false,
      'mode'     => false,
      'inserter' => false,
      'reusable' => false

I’ve omitted a render callback because this inner block has no preview. Note the parent, inserter, and reusable properties. This block is not intended to be used alone. It can only exist within a feature-video block.

Custom category values must be added via the block categories filter.

ACF is used as normal to assign fields to this block.

Fields UI for an example Gutenberg block with React and Advanced Custom Fields

Block Templates

The parent Feature Video block is created with JavaScript:

import {registerBlockType} from '@wordpress/blocks';
import {InnerBlocks} from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import {createElement} from '@wordpress/element';

registerBlockType('theme/feature-video', {
  title: 'Feature Video',
  category: 'theme',
  edit: props => {
    return createElement(InnerBlocks, {
      template: [
        ['core/embed', {}],
        ['acf/feature-video-fields', {}]
      templateLock: 'all'
  save: props => {
    return createElement(InnerBlocks.Content, {});

The edit function returns a block template that composes the core/embed block with the acf/feature-video-fields block I just created. This composition acts as a single combined block for the user.

When inserted into the post content (via save) the fields block has no HTML render. (I will be using a PHP template for this.) Formatted for readability:

<!-- wp:theme/feature-video -->

<!-- wp:embed {"url":"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ","type":"video","providerNameSlug":"youtube"} -->
<figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">
<!-- /wp:embed -->

<!-- wp:acf/feature-video-fields {"id":"block_5ea289f31528c","name":"acf/feature-video-fields","data":{"heading":"Never Gonna Give You Up","introduction":"\u0022Never Gonna Give You Up\u0022 is a song recorded by British singer and songwriter Rick Astley, released as a single on 27 July 1987. It was written and produced by Stock Aitken Waterman. (Wikipedia)"}} /-->

<!-- /wp:theme/feature-video -->

To provide a template for Feature Video I add a render block filter:

  10, 2

And the hook callback:

function render_feature_video_block($html, $block) {
  // Ignore other blocks
  if ($block['blockName'] !== 'theme/feature-video') {
    return $html;
  // Include, capture, and return the block template
  $path = locate_template("blocks/feature-video.php");
  $html = ob_get_contents();
  return $html;

The template path is relative to the WordPress theme. Within the template I can access both inner blocks.

HTML for the core/embed is already rendered by Gutenberg:

// Get the `core/embed` HTML (<figure class="wp-block-embed ...)
$embed = $block['innerBlocks'][0]['innerHTML'];

To access the acf/feature-video-fields ACF values:

$fields = $block['innerBlocks'][1];
// Get the block ID and use ACF function
$id = $fields['attrs']['id'];
$heading = get_field('heading', $id);
// Or via the nested `data` array
$heading = $fields['attrs']['data']['heading'];

With the template written my Feature Video block is complete.

Taking it further (a preview)

You may have noticed something is missing. ACF Gutenberg blocks have a nice Edit/Preview toggle. My block only has an edit mode.

This functionality can be replicated without too much difficulty. Part of the solution is to add BlockControls to the edit function.

Something like:

import {BlockControls} from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import {Button, Toolbar} from '@wordpress/components';

const MyBlockControls = props => {
  return (
        {props.isEditing ? (
          <Button label="Preview" icon="visibility" onClick={onClick} />
        ) : (
          <Button label="Edit" icon="edit" onClick={onClick} />

This component can be used to toggle between the block template or preview.

I’ll leave that as a homework exercise for now!

I do plan to add full example code to GitHub with this and more. It’s possible to render the preview within an <iframe>. This is very helpful for scoping theme CSS and avoiding conflicts with the WordPress admin styles.

More on that when I have time…

Update for May 2020

I’ve written a new article: “WordPress Gutenberg Example Blocks”.

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