PWA Encryption and Auto Sign-in

Mute Swan is a progressive web app I’ve been coding for my own amusement. It’s a playground for me to mess around with experimental web standards. Also to remind myself to buy milk.

Mute Swan v7

I’ve recently implemented hidden Dropbox backup and sync functionality. With that in place I decided that my grocery list was of the upmost secrecy. What if my Dropbox account was hacked?


Mute Swan uses local storage to persist state data between browser sessions.

I wrote an asynchronous wrapper for the getItem and setItem methods; encrypting and decrypting respectively. My encrypted local storage interface plugs into Redux Persist as a custom storage engine.

Encryption is handled by the Web Crypto API. I’ve used AES-GCM with a key generated from a SHA-256 hash of a text password.

I begin with the hashing function:

async function sha256(value) {
  return await crypto.subtle.digest(
    new TextEncoder().encode(value)

From that the CryptoKey is derived:

async function getKey(password) {
  return await crypto.subtle.importKey(
    await sha256(password),
    {name: 'AES-GCM'},
    ['encrypt', 'decrypt']

const key = await getKey('supersecretpassword');

With this key, text can be encoded and encrypted:

const iv = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(12));
const encrypted = await crypto.subtle.encrypt(
    name: 'AES-GCM'
  new TextEncoder().encode('Buy milk?')

And later decrypted and decoded:

let decrypted = await crypto.subtle.decrypt(
    name: 'AES-GCM'

decrypted = new TextDecoder().decode(decrypted);

// Output should be: "Buy milk?"

Sounds secure, but the default password is stored right in the source code.

To use a custom password I need to request that before the Redux store can be configured. I mocked up a sign-in form to accept the password. In React I’m mounting the form component at a higher level prior to the Redux provider and persist gate.

Auto sign-in

Requesting a password at the start of each session is an annoying experience. I briefly considered how safe it would be to store the password itself in local storage or a JavaScript cookie. Both are susceptible to cross-site scripting and lack any user management. Further research lead me to the Credential Management API.

Auto sign-in (the correct way)

Chrome provides the best auto sign-in experience. If enabled the password can be retrieved seamlessly without user interaction. A temporary notification pops up and passwords can be managed via the key button.

Mute Swan v7 auto sign-in (Chrome)

On Chrome Android the sign-in notification pops up below. The random sky blue is an interesting choice. I’d prefer if it would use the manifest theme colour.

Mute Swan v7 auto sign-in (Android)

Passwords can be stored programmatically:

const data = new window.PasswordCredential(form);;

And retrieved silently:

const data = await window.navigator.credentials.get({
  password: true,
  mediation: 'optional'

Works in Chrome-like browsers. Fails elsewhere. If the password cannot be retrieved via the method above, or is incorrect, I fall back to a sign-in form.


Browsers will offer to save the password for future auto-completion.

Auto sign-in (the hack way)

If the browser doesn’t cough up the password immediately the sign-in form is presented. The auto-completed password can be detected with an event:

  (ev) => {
    if ( === 'password' &&
      ev.inputType === 'insertReplacementText'
    ) {
      // Attempt auto sign-in by submitting the form...
  {once: true}

If this event is triggered the form can be submitted to attempt an “auto” sign-in. Only try this once because an incorrect password results in an infinite loop!

This method has noticeable latency and the form will appear briefly. I considered making the form invisible to avoid the UI flash. However, a timeout would be necessary to show the form again if auto-complete didn’t occur, or was not detected. Such a delay seems like the greater evil.

Mute Swan v7 auto sign-in hack

This feels very hacky but it works in Firefox.


Finally, if neither auto sign-in method works, or no password was saved, the form must be submitted manually by the user.

Mute Swan v7 sign-in form

Safari is particularly hesitant to auto-fill for me. Hopefully browser support for credential management auto sign-in becomes standard.

And so…

And so, my grocery list is now encrypted! The browser secures my password between sessions. Keys never leave internal JavaScript memory. Naturally, there’s a more than zero percent chance I’ve done something wrong and my code is entirely exploitable. I’ll continue to learn, test, and iterate.

At some point I do plan to publish Mute Swan on GitHub. A lot of the functionality is still hidden behind secret flags. It turns out that building user-friendly UI is incredibly time consuming!

Last updated: June 2020.

† Redux Persist updates local storage asynchronously. There is some throttling going on but it basically updates after every state change. I ran some very primitive benchmarks and found that my encryption interface is plenty fast enough; milliseconds, if that.

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